Contact Us

Dumpster Mule

Delivery & Disposal

1049 2nd Ave, Columbia, SC 29209

Thank you for your interest in using Dumpster Mule. We would be happy to hear from you! If you are ready to book your mule, you can call our number to get started or fill out one of our online forms to confirm your reservation.

If you have additional inquiries or want to know more about how we work, we would be happy to assist you in answering any of your questions.

By contacting us, you will be put through to one of our customer service representatives, who can answer any questions you may have.

Reserve Your Dumpster Rental In Columbia SC

Ready To Saddle Up With Dumpster Mule? 3 Day Rental For $349
$349 for 3 Days, +$50 Per Additional Day